Holy Living in a Hostile World
These days you can get whiplash watching the evening news. Events explode across the country and around the world. A lot happens without warning; there are uprisings in places we thought we'd never see them.
No matter what bombshell flashes on the “breaking news,” whether it's personal or world news that explodes today, we can have confidence in a sovereign God, who has uniquely positioned His people for such a time as this.
The father / sons teaching team of Ron, Doug, and Brad Hutchcraft explore “six bold choices to be a light in the night” in our world today. Discover practical insights for “Holy Living in a Hostile World, equipping you to not only survive but thrive as a make a difference light for Christ in this dark world.
DISC 1 "So Big, So Close"
DISC 2 "A Light In The Night"
DISC 3 "Landmines In A Promised Land" - Ron Hutchcraft
DISC 4 "Build Faith In Your Family" - Ron Hutchcraft
DISC 5 "Life's Bottom Line" - Doug Hutchcraft
DISC 6"The Seasons And The Reasons" - Ron Hutchcraft
DISC 7 Session Notes